Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Brian” in the USA?

Number of people named “Brian” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Brian” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Brian” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Brian” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Brian” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Brian” by birth year

This chart shows how “Brian” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1909 5 0.00000978 5 -100%
1911 7 0.000010865 7 -100%
1912 6 0.000006073 6 -100%
1913 14 0.000012312 14 -100%
1914 11 0.000007766 11 -100%
1915 21 0.00001146 21 -100%
1916 17 0.000008788 17 -100%
1917 14 0.000006976 14 -100%
1918 12 0.000005527 12 -100%
1919 14 0.000006634 14 -100%
1920 31 0.000013701 31 -100%
1921 34 0.000014564 34 -100%
1922 31 0.000013542 31 -100%
1923 35 0.000015201 35 -100%
1924 38 0.000015956 38 -100%
1925 59 0.000025286 59 -100%
1926 48 0.000020907 48 -100%
1927 75 0.000032337 75 -100%
1928 104 0.000045999 104 -100%
1929 112 0.000051091 112 -100%
1930 90 0.000040481 90 -100%
1931 93 0.000044194 93 -100%
1932 119 0.000056364 119 -100%
1933 150 0.000075022 150 -100%
1934 187 0.000090044 187 -100%
1935 254 0.000121542 254 -100%
1936 344 0.000165582 344 -100%
1937 519 0.000243591 519 -100%
1938 609 0.000275246 609 -100%
1939 808 0.000366705 808 -100%
1940 1008 0.000437766 1008 -100%
1941 1123 0.000460937 1123 -100%
1942 1523 0.000557523 1523 -100%
1943 1960 0.000694418 10 1950 -99%
1944 1954 0.000726392 1954 -100%
1945 1994 0.000751645 5 1989 -99%
1946 2592 0.000811205 8 2584 -99%
1947 3463 0.000961351 12 3451 -99%
1948 3364 0.000974372 6 3358 -100%
1949 3858 0.001107121 6 3852 -100%
1950 4449 0.001269908 5 4444 -100%
1951 5109 0.001386896 8 5101 -100%
1952 5753 0.001514731 13 5740 -100%
1953 6676 0.001732402 10 6666 -100%
1954 8090 0.002032301 12 8078 -100%
1955 10127 0.002522249 23 10104 -100%
1956 14688 0.003562381 19 14669 -100%
1957 17550 0.004176091 26 17524 -100%
1958 19308 0.00467193 39 19269 -100%
1959 20770 0.004996726 39 20731 -100%
1960 22043 0.00530608 52 21991 -100%
1961 22598 0.005457234 40 22558 -100%
1962 23289 0.005771678 60 23229 -99%
1963 24175 0.006106972 55 24120 -100%
1964 24242 0.006235607 63 24179 -99%
1965 24615 0.006789174 71 24544 -99%
1966 27350 0.007869075 89 27261 -99%
1967 28755 0.008469784 104 28651 -99%
1968 30029 0.008888114 105 29924 -99%
1969 31804 0.009150529 130 31674 -99%
1970 32073 0.008892299 148 31925 -99%
1971 32775 0.009548484 150 32625 -99%
1972 36488 0.011608113 171 36317 -99%
1973 35851 0.011882519 160 35691 -99%
1974 34590 0.011377518 138 34452 -99%
1975 30753 0.010184024 151 30602 -99%
1976 30684 0.010111269 154 30530 -99%
1977 32676 0.010286137 181 32495 -99%
1978 29612 0.009328991 171 29441 -99%
1979 28827 0.008663747 158 28669 -99%
1980 28892 0.008387039 173 28719 -99%
1981 26735 0.007727799 144 26591 -99%
1982 25978 0.007404979 147 25831 -99%
1983 26209 0.007567332 156 26053 -99%
1984 24876 0.007130376 147 24729 -99%
1985 23202 0.006500955 137 23065 -99%
1986 21172 0.005952289 142 21030 -99%
1987 20491 0.005683358 126 20365 -99%
1988 19654 0.005319427 126 19528 -99%
1989 18176 0.004728035 70 18106 -99%
1990 16984 0.004297456 51 16933 -99%
1991 14961 0.00384109 48 14913 -99%
1992 14147 0.00368319 42 14105 -99%
1993 12587 0.003338742 44 12543 -99%
1994 11681 0.003142287 36 11645 -99%
1995 11041 0.003015112 53 10988 -99%
1996 10504 0.00288024 29 10475 -99%
1997 9758 0.00269147 24 9734 -100%
1998 9168 0.002492672 25 9143 -99%
1999 8828 0.002390069 20 8808 -100%
2000 8987 0.002377754 30 8957 -99%
2001 8319 0.002222493 16 8303 -100%
2002 8101 0.002167321 19 8082 -100%
2003 7692 0.002023273 20 7672 -99%
2004 7373 0.001929923 42 7331 -99%
2005 6943 0.001806113 24 6919 -99%
2006 6518 0.001647908 8 6510 -100%
2007 6096 0.001525278 23 6073 -99%
2008 5270 0.001341162 9 5261 -100%
2009 4659 0.001220009 6 4653 -100%
2010 3774 0.001021538 8 3766 -100%
2011 3249 0.000888601 5 3244 -100%
2012 2828 0.000773584 11 2817 -99%
2013 2649 0.000727018 5 2644 -100%
2014 2534 0.000684091 2534 -100%
2015 2218 0.000599721 5 2213 -100%
2016 1983 0.000540937 1983 -100%
2017 1777 0.000497375 1777 -100%
2018 1627 0.000463302 1627 -100%
2019 1474 0.000425296 1474 -100%
2020 1259 0.000377627 1259 -100%
2021 1188 0.000351509 1188 -100%
2022 1170 0.000348018 1170 -100%