Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “John” in the USA?

Number of people named “John” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “John” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “John” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “John” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “John” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “John” by birth year

This chart shows how “John” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1880 9701 0.048147745 46 9655 -99%
1881 8795 0.045643263 26 8769 -99%
1882 9597 0.043320861 40 9557 -99%
1883 8934 0.041180946 40 8894 -99%
1884 9428 0.038724888 40 9388 -99%
1885 8801 0.03654081 45 8756 -99%
1886 9074 0.035540134 48 9026 -99%
1887 8166 0.03300821 56 8110 -99%
1888 9299 0.031051213 52 9247 -99%
1889 8600 0.029763347 52 8548 -99%
1890 8558 0.028394066 56 8502 -99%
1891 7724 0.026943779 44 7680 -99%
1892 9093 0.0271941 54 9039 -99%
1893 8110 0.024936736 61 8049 -98%
1894 8297 0.024497328 60 8237 -99%
1895 8381 0.023876064 61 8320 -99%
1896 8188 0.022904521 50 8138 -99%
1897 7596 0.021893203 46 7550 -99%
1898 8214 0.021533282 55 8159 -99%
1899 7030 0.02072322 40 6990 -99%
1900 9875 0.021931725 46 9829 -99%
1901 6939 0.020065816 39 6900 -99%
1902 7945 0.020543942 38 7907 -99%
1903 7649 0.020065477 41 7608 -99%
1904 8148 0.020194059 40 8108 -99%
1905 8102 0.019111872 43 8059 -99%
1906 8307 0.019388448 43 8264 -99%
1907 9048 0.019441675 65 8983 -99%
1908 9401 0.01923864 58 9343 -99%
1909 9657 0.018889958 67 9590 -99%
1910 11538 0.01953236 88 11450 -98%
1911 13514 0.020975385 68 13446 -99%
1912 24699 0.024997469 112 24587 -99%
1913 29451 0.025899846 122 29329 -99%
1914 38116 0.026911503 169 37947 -99%
1915 47776 0.026072484 200 47576 -99%
1916 50270 0.025987145 227 50043 -99%
1917 52105 0.025964804 253 51852 -99%
1918 56806 0.026164496 248 56558 -99%
1919 53831 0.025509289 307 53524 -99%
1920 57194 0.02527744 281 56913 -99%
1921 58500 0.025058856 285 58215 -99%
1922 57566 0.025147304 285 57281 -99%
1923 57803 0.025104517 335 57468 -99%
1924 59433 0.024954852 382 59051 -99%
1925 57566 0.024671273 367 57199 -99%
1926 56489 0.024604337 385 56104 -99%
1927 56393 0.024314087 440 55953 -98%
1928 54179 0.023963455 424 53755 -98%
1929 52526 0.023960743 411 52115 -98%
1930 52845 0.023768935 402 52443 -98%
1931 48748 0.023165369 325 48423 -99%
1932 48921 0.023171438 298 48623 -99%
1933 46450 0.023231877 226 46224 -99%
1934 46997 0.022629896 257 46740 -99%
1935 47714 0.022831643 208 47506 -99%
1936 47878 0.023045691 203 47675 -99%
1937 48969 0.022983408 218 48751 -99%
1938 50741 0.022933133 216 50525 -99%
1939 51250 0.023259455 228 51022 -99%
1940 54992 0.023882577 208 54784 -99%
1941 57738 0.023698663 221 57517 -99%
1942 66278 0.024262317 241 66037 -99%
1943 69156 0.024501631 229 68927 -99%
1944 66793 0.024830047 180 66613 -99%
1945 66314 0.024997277 197 66117 -99%
1946 79468 0.024870683 208 79260 -99%
1947 88522 0.024574276 203 88319 -100%
1948 83025 0.024047932 192 82833 -100%
1949 81370 0.023350559 199 81171 -100%
1950 79597 0.022719903 180 79417 -100%
1951 81771 0.022197669 202 81569 -100%
1952 83332 0.021940826 198 83134 -100%
1953 80334 0.020846432 164 80170 -100%
1954 81363 0.020439319 185 81178 -100%
1955 80306 0.020001156 185 80121 -100%
1956 81026 0.019651789 224 80802 -99%
1957 79276 0.018864036 225 79051 -99%
1958 76232 0.018445753 205 76027 -99%
1959 76628 0.018434718 231 76397 -99%
1960 76338 0.018375698 242 76096 -99%
1961 80203 0.019368373 276 79927 -99%
1962 78708 0.019506088 285 78423 -99%
1963 78882 0.019926792 260 78622 -99%
1964 82787 0.021294743 264 82523 -99%
1965 71771 0.019795483 252 71519 -99%
1966 65304 0.018789107 284 65020 -99%
1967 61892 0.018230285 288 61604 -99%
1968 61223 0.018121051 304 60919 -99%
1969 59042 0.016987346 288 58754 -99%
1970 58800 0.016302409 290 58510 -99%
1971 51784 0.015086459 272 51512 -99%
1972 43393 0.013804835 224 43169 -99%
1973 39407 0.013061127 229 39178 -99%
1974 37882 0.01246034 254 37628 -99%
1975 35308 0.011692436 231 35077 -99%
1976 34201 0.011270222 210 33991 -99%
1977 34427 0.010837337 218 34209 -99%
1978 34247 0.010789206 222 34025 -99%
1979 35659 0.010717056 243 35416 -99%
1980 35531 0.01031427 251 35280 -99%
1981 35075 0.01013849 195 34880 -99%
1982 34940 0.00995958 234 34706 -99%
1983 33425 0.00965081 266 33159 -98%
1984 32851 0.009416305 238 32613 -99%
1985 31734 0.008891531 233 31501 -99%
1986 30437 0.008557048 220 30217 -99%
1987 29749 0.008251145 197 29552 -99%
1988 29590 0.008008641 167 29423 -99%
1989 29988 0.007800634 134 29854 -99%
1990 29168 0.007380369 81 29087 -99%
1991 27865 0.007154066 63 27802 -100%
1992 26305 0.006848541 56 26249 -100%
1993 25064 0.006648306 69 24995 -99%
1994 24229 0.006517805 48 24181 -100%
1995 23284 0.00635847 45 23239 -100%
1996 22220 0.006092816 37 22183 -100%
1997 21415 0.005906726 29 21386 -100%
1998 20658 0.005616669 27 20631 -100%
1999 20404 0.005524124 39 20365 -100%
2000 20136 0.005327522 27 20109 -100%
2001 18932 0.005057848 32 18900 -100%
2002 17489 0.004678963 21 17468 -100%
2003 17273 0.004543422 30 17243 -100%
2004 16528 0.004326295 71 16457 -99%
2005 15819 0.004115066 37 15782 -100%
2006 15207 0.003844698 35 15172 -100%
2007 14457 0.003617281 22 14435 -100%
2008 13349 0.003397187 22 13327 -100%
2009 12141 0.003179252 11 12130 -100%
2010 11574 0.003132826 10 11564 -100%
2011 11082 0.003030926 21 11061 -100%
2012 10641 0.002910787 11 10630 -100%
2013 10740 0.002947592 16 10724 -100%
2014 10711 0.002891593 14 10697 -100%
2015 10417 0.002816633 11 10406 -100%
2016 10057 0.002743422 12 10045 -100%
2017 9527 0.002666567 10 9517 -100%
2018 9202 0.002620346 14 9188 -100%
2019 8859 0.002556104 14 8845 -100%
2020 8260 0.002477519 9 8251 -100%
2021 8184 0.002421507 9 8175 -100%
2022 7937 0.00236087 7 7930 -100%