Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Kelly” in the USA?

Number of people named “Kelly” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Kelly” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Kelly” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Kelly” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Kelly” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Kelly” by birth year

This chart shows how “Kelly” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1880 5 0.000024816 5 -100%
1881 8 0.000041517 8 -100%
1882 13 0.000058682 13 -100%
1883 12 0.000055314 12 -100%
1884 10 0.000041074 10 -100%
1885 15 0.000062278 15 -100%
1886 16 0.000062667 16 -100%
1887 13 0.000052548 13 -100%
1888 10 0.000033392 10 -100%
1889 17 0.000058835 17 -100%
1890 11 0.000036496 11 -100%
1891 9 0.000031395 9 -100%
1892 18 0.000053832 18 -100%
1893 21 0.000064571 21 -100%
1894 12 0.000035431 12 -100%
1895 23 0.000065523 23 -100%
1896 14 0.000039163 14 -100%
1897 15 0.000043233 15 -100%
1898 10 0.000026215 10 -100%
1899 9 0.00002653 9 -100%
1900 33 0.000073291 33 -100%
1901 12 0.000034701 12 -100%
1902 16 0.000041372 16 -100%
1903 21 0.000055089 21 -100%
1904 13 0.000032219 13 -100%
1905 11 0.000025948 11 -100%
1906 20 0.00004668 20 -100%
1907 34 0.000073057 5 29 -71%
1908 30 0.000061393 5 25 -67%
1909 33 0.000064551 7 26 -58%
1910 52 0.000088029 6 46 -77%
1911 46 0.000071398 5 41 -78%
1912 64 0.000064773 7 57 -78%
1913 63 0.000055404 63 -100%
1914 103 0.000072722 11 92 -79%
1915 106 0.000057847 5 101 -91%
1916 99 0.000051178 9 90 -82%
1917 139 0.000069266 8 131 -88%
1918 132 0.000060798 14 118 -79%
1919 152 0.000072029 8 144 -89%
1920 132 0.000058339 11 121 -83%
1921 148 0.000063397 15 133 -80%
1922 154 0.000067274 13 141 -83%
1923 121 0.000052552 10 111 -83%
1924 135 0.000056684 10 125 -85%
1925 136 0.000058286 15 121 -78%
1926 135 0.000058801 12 123 -82%
1927 142 0.000061224 10 132 -86%
1928 139 0.00006148 11 128 -84%
1929 152 0.000069338 11 141 -86%
1930 130 0.000058472 13 117 -80%
1931 138 0.000065579 9 129 -87%
1932 119 0.000056364 14 105 -76%
1933 132 0.00006602 12 120 -82%
1934 155 0.000074635 11 144 -86%
1935 138 0.000066034 13 125 -81%
1936 151 0.000072683 13 138 -83%
1937 140 0.000065708 14 126 -80%
1938 155 0.000070054 18 137 -77%
1939 163 0.000073976 10 153 -88%
1940 166 0.000072092 24 142 -71%
1941 188 0.000077165 28 160 -70%
1942 285 0.00010433 36 249 -75%
1943 311 0.000110186 36 275 -77%
1944 335 0.000124535 60 275 -64%
1945 291 0.000109693 51 240 -65%
1946 334 0.00010453 51 283 -69%
1947 424 0.000117705 73 351 -66%
1948 462 0.000133817 83 379 -64%
1949 627 0.000179929 117 510 -63%
1950 585 0.00016698 97 488 -67%
1951 865 0.000234814 164 701 -62%
1952 1101 0.000289887 296 805 -46%
1953 1071 0.000277921 226 845 -58%
1954 1417 0.000355967 453 964 -36%
1955 1788 0.000445322 539 1249 -40%
1956 2299 0.000557592 830 1469 -28%
1957 3779 0.000899228 1903 1876 1%
1958 6773 0.001638854 4473 2300 32%
1959 8810 0.002119459 6378 2432 45%
1960 11611 0.002794941 8676 2935 49%
1961 12647 0.003054148 9639 3008 52%
1962 14386 0.003565261 11529 2857 60%
1963 15277 0.003859202 12549 2728 64%
1964 14964 0.003849089 12472 2492 67%
1965 15021 0.00414301 12762 2259 70%
1966 16028 0.004611537 13243 2785 65%
1967 16818 0.004953741 13719 3099 63%
1968 20199 0.005978588 17140 3059 70%
1969 19116 0.005499985 16325 2791 71%
1970 17103 0.004741838 14608 2495 71%
1971 14864 0.004330394 12598 2266 70%
1972 12858 0.004090581 10942 1916 70%
1973 12219 0.004049887 10516 1703 72%
1974 12607 0.004146758 10850 1757 72%
1975 13381 0.004431191 11737 1644 75%
1976 13335 0.00439427 11794 1541 77%
1977 19718 0.006207064 18234 1484 85%
1978 18290 0.005762098 16982 1308 86%
1979 16505 0.004960459 15298 1207 85%
1980 14899 0.004325021 13715 1184 84%
1981 13058 0.003774438 11876 1182 82%
1982 13443 0.003831901 12172 1271 81%
1983 12640 0.003649551 11586 1054 83%
1984 12204 0.003498115 11219 985 84%
1985 11925 0.003341259 11033 892 85%
1986 11285 0.003172661 10413 872 85%
1987 10653 0.002954703 9867 786 85%
1988 9654 0.00261289 8914 740 85%
1989 9571 0.002489658 8760 811 83%
1990 8823 0.002232481 8136 687 84%
1991 8156 0.002093973 7513 643 84%
1992 7545 0.001964351 7011 534 86%
1993 6772 0.001796295 6297 475 86%
1994 5830 0.001568319 5445 385 87%
1995 5755 0.001571594 5398 357 88%
1996 5073 0.001391038 4734 339 87%
1997 4347 0.001198998 4063 284 87%
1998 3943 0.001072056 3703 240 88%
1999 3615 0.000978715 3420 195 89%
2000 3278 0.000867283 3076 202 88%
2001 2988 0.00079827 2814 174 88%
2002 3037 0.000812511 2852 185 88%
2003 2882 0.00075807 2736 146 90%
2004 2517 0.000658839 2357 160 87%
2005 2079 0.000540819 1952 127 88%
2006 1750 0.000442442 1611 139 84%
2007 1722 0.000430861 1568 154 82%
2008 1512 0.000384789 1399 113 85%
2009 1391 0.000364248 1251 140 80%
2010 1162 0.000314528 1061 101 83%
2011 1052 0.000287722 944 108 79%
2012 997 0.000272724 891 106 79%
2013 951 0.000261002 848 103 78%
2014 844 0.00022785 739 105 75%
2015 778 0.000210362 674 104 73%
2016 721 0.00019668 604 117 68%
2017 617 0.000172696 503 114 63%
2018 588 0.000167438 485 103 65%
2019 553 0.000159558 446 107 61%
2020 475 0.000142472 365 110 54%
2021 438 0.000129597 324 114 48%
2022 468 0.000139207 346 122 48%