Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Kevin” in the USA?

Number of people named “Kevin” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Kevin” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Kevin” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Kevin” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Kevin” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Kevin” by birth year

This chart shows how “Kevin” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1912 9 0.000009109 9 -100%
1913 9 0.000007915 9 -100%
1914 12 0.000008473 12 -100%
1915 15 0.000008186 15 -100%
1916 18 0.000009305 18 -100%
1917 19 0.000009468 19 -100%
1918 21 0.000009672 21 -100%
1919 14 0.000006634 14 -100%
1920 24 0.000010607 24 -100%
1921 84 0.000035982 84 -100%
1922 71 0.000031016 71 -100%
1923 53 0.000023019 53 -100%
1924 50 0.000020994 50 -100%
1925 61 0.000026143 61 -100%
1926 46 0.000020036 46 -100%
1927 67 0.000028887 67 -100%
1928 68 0.000030077 68 -100%
1929 75 0.000034213 75 -100%
1930 84 0.000037782 84 -100%
1931 111 0.000052748 111 -100%
1932 121 0.000057312 121 -100%
1933 132 0.00006602 132 -100%
1934 151 0.000072709 151 -100%
1935 175 0.000083739 175 -100%
1936 153 0.000073645 153 -100%
1937 178 0.000083544 178 -100%
1938 252 0.000113895 6 246 -95%
1939 278 0.000126168 5 273 -96%
1940 298 0.000129419 298 -100%
1941 425 0.000174442 6 419 -97%
1942 529 0.00019365 529 -100%
1943 644 0.000228166 5 639 -98%
1944 601 0.000223419 7 594 -98%
1945 703 0.000264998 14 689 -96%
1946 1051 0.000328926 16 1035 -97%
1947 1564 0.000434176 14 1550 -98%
1948 2255 0.000653154 27 2228 -98%
1949 3322 0.000953307 31 3291 -98%
1950 4790 0.001367242 38 4752 -98%
1951 6396 0.001736267 45 6351 -99%
1952 7962 0.002096348 45 7917 -99%
1953 10073 0.002613913 62 10011 -99%
1954 15404 0.003869661 80 15324 -99%
1955 17221 0.004289093 68 17153 -99%
1956 21832 0.005295064 67 21765 -99%
1957 24382 0.005801793 90 24292 -99%
1958 24756 0.005990176 93 24663 -99%
1959 26871 0.006464469 100 26771 -99%
1960 28476 0.006854599 94 28382 -99%
1961 29017 0.00700737 107 28910 -99%
1962 28426 0.007044774 91 28335 -99%
1963 30735 0.007764128 121 30614 -99%
1964 29469 0.007580113 114 29355 -99%
1965 28302 0.007806102 117 28185 -99%
1966 25714 0.007398369 123 25591 -99%
1967 24727 0.007283336 117 24610 -99%
1968 23992 0.007101256 125 23867 -99%
1969 23687 0.006815136 128 23559 -99%
1970 27100 0.007513525 129 26971 -99%
1971 24989 0.007280155 134 24855 -99%
1972 22479 0.007151358 118 22361 -99%
1973 20912 0.006931111 134 20778 -99%
1974 19593 0.006444629 127 19466 -99%
1975 18182 0.006021068 106 18076 -99%
1976 18595 0.006127592 113 18482 -99%
1977 22614 0.007118701 149 22465 -99%
1978 20208 0.006366346 105 20103 -99%
1979 18857 0.005667336 120 18737 -99%
1980 18097 0.005253366 117 17980 -99%
1981 17567 0.005077772 111 17456 -99%
1982 17582 0.005011715 118 17464 -99%
1983 17525 0.005059998 145 17380 -98%
1984 17988 0.005156022 124 17864 -99%
1985 18960 0.005312392 147 18813 -98%
1986 20082 0.005645846 146 19936 -99%
1987 20557 0.005701663 142 20415 -99%
1988 20283 0.005489668 116 20167 -99%
1989 21308 0.005542747 99 21209 -99%
1990 20483 0.005182806 71 20412 -99%
1991 20341 0.005222352 81 20260 -99%
1992 19701 0.005129181 59 19642 -99%
1993 19136 0.005075885 53 19083 -99%
1994 17367 0.004671869 57 17310 -99%
1995 15917 0.004346666 59 15858 -99%
1996 14621 0.004009139 35 14586 -100%
1997 13326 0.003675603 33 13293 -100%
1998 12525 0.003405401 16 12509 -100%
1999 12292 0.003327903 35 12257 -99%
2000 12702 0.003360657 31 12671 -100%
2001 12629 0.003373947 36 12593 -99%
2002 12076 0.003230783 31 12045 -99%
2003 11761 0.003093567 28 11733 -100%
2004 11266 0.002948937 46 11220 -99%
2005 10946 0.002847431 31 10915 -99%
2006 10806 0.002732019 27 10779 -100%
2007 10559 0.002641964 23 10536 -100%
2008 9807 0.002495783 11 9796 -100%
2009 8799 0.002304113 21 8778 -100%
2010 7333 0.001984881 7 7326 -100%
2011 6582 0.001800176 15 6567 -100%
2012 6238 0.00170637 7 6231 -100%
2013 5951 0.001633251 10 5941 -100%
2014 5913 0.001596302 14 5899 -100%
2015 5195 0.001404666 14 5181 -99%
2016 4555 0.001242546 6 4549 -100%
2017 3838 0.00107424 9 3829 -100%
2018 3142 0.000894711 3142 -100%
2019 2621 0.000756242 2621 -100%
2020 2383 0.000714761 8 2375 -99%
2021 2103 0.000622242 2103 -100%
2022 2060 0.000612749 2060 -100%