Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Levi” in the USA?

Number of people named “Levi” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Levi” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Levi” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Levi” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Levi” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Levi” by birth year

This chart shows how “Levi” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1880 112 0.000555875 112 -100%
1881 104 0.000539727 104 -100%
1882 105 0.00047397 105 -100%
1883 85 0.000391804 85 -100%
1884 91 0.000373777 91 -100%
1885 79 0.000328 79 -100%
1886 97 0.00037992 97 -100%
1887 75 0.000303161 75 -100%
1888 91 0.000303867 91 -100%
1889 88 0.000304555 88 -100%
1890 74 0.00024552 74 -100%
1891 68 0.000237206 68 -100%
1892 77 0.000230281 77 -100%
1893 75 0.000230611 75 -100%
1894 68 0.000200774 68 -100%
1895 72 0.000205116 72 -100%
1896 68 0.000190218 68 -100%
1897 59 0.00017005 59 -100%
1898 61 0.000159914 61 -100%
1899 63 0.000185713 63 -100%
1900 95 0.000210989 95 -100%
1901 41 0.000118562 41 -100%
1902 55 0.000142217 55 -100%
1903 68 0.000178383 68 -100%
1904 68 0.000168532 68 -100%
1905 63 0.000148611 63 -100%
1906 56 0.000130703 56 -100%
1907 61 0.000131072 61 -100%
1908 75 0.000153483 75 -100%
1909 82 0.000160399 82 -100%
1910 69 0.000116808 69 -100%
1911 87 0.000135035 87 -100%
1912 116 0.000117402 116 -100%
1913 137 0.000120481 137 -100%
1914 193 0.000136266 193 -100%
1915 218 0.000118968 218 -100%
1916 214 0.000110628 214 -100%
1917 203 0.000101158 203 -100%
1918 251 0.000115609 251 -100%
1919 285 0.000135055 285 -100%
1920 255 0.0001127 255 -100%
1921 270 0.000115656 270 -100%
1922 264 0.000115327 264 -100%
1923 233 0.000101195 233 -100%
1924 230 0.000096573 230 -100%
1925 232 0.000099429 232 -100%
1926 251 0.000109326 251 -100%
1927 250 0.000107789 250 -100%
1928 189 0.000083595 189 -100%
1929 228 0.000104007 6 222 -95%
1930 196 0.000088158 196 -100%
1931 202 0.000095992 202 -100%
1932 192 0.000090941 192 -100%
1933 169 0.000084525 169 -100%
1934 196 0.000094378 196 -100%
1935 184 0.000088046 184 -100%
1936 168 0.000080865 168 -100%
1937 168 0.00007885 168 -100%
1938 201 0.000090845 201 -100%
1939 166 0.000075338 166 -100%
1940 164 0.000071224 164 -100%
1941 167 0.000068545 167 -100%
1942 182 0.000066625 182 -100%
1943 177 0.00006271 177 -100%
1944 183 0.00006803 183 -100%
1945 179 0.000067475 179 -100%
1946 174 0.000054456 174 -100%
1947 184 0.00005108 184 -100%
1948 187 0.000054164 187 -100%
1949 177 0.000050793 177 -100%
1950 192 0.000054804 192 -100%
1951 231 0.000062708 231 -100%
1952 218 0.000057398 218 -100%
1953 192 0.000049823 192 -100%
1954 214 0.000053759 214 -100%
1955 208 0.000051805 208 -100%
1956 198 0.000048022 198 -100%
1957 176 0.00004188 176 -100%
1958 183 0.00004428 183 -100%
1959 183 0.000044025 183 -100%
1960 178 0.000042847 178 -100%
1961 169 0.000040812 169 -100%
1962 164 0.000040644 164 -100%
1963 154 0.000038903 154 -100%
1964 162 0.00004167 162 -100%
1965 106 0.000029236 106 -100%
1966 148 0.000042582 148 -100%
1967 150 0.000044182 150 -100%
1968 138 0.000040846 138 -100%
1969 133 0.000038266 133 -100%
1970 146 0.000040479 146 -100%
1971 198 0.000057684 198 -100%
1972 211 0.000067127 211 -100%
1973 207 0.000068608 207 -100%
1974 278 0.000091441 278 -100%
1975 399 0.000132131 6 393 -97%
1976 429 0.000141368 10 419 -95%
1977 450 0.000141656 5 445 -98%
1978 544 0.000171382 8 536 -97%
1979 975 0.000293029 13 962 -97%
1980 1070 0.00031061 13 1057 -98%
1981 1380 0.000398891 13 1367 -98%
1982 1149 0.00032752 13 1136 -98%
1983 972 0.000280646 11 961 -98%
1984 1045 0.000299535 12 1033 -98%
1985 1156 0.000323899 11 1145 -98%
1986 1175 0.000330339 13 1162 -98%
1987 1409 0.000390798 15 1394 -98%
1988 1626 0.000440083 15 1611 -98%
1989 1794 0.000466665 11 1783 -99%
1990 1725 0.000436476 7 1718 -99%
1991 1735 0.000445444 10 1725 -99%
1992 1926 0.000501437 13 1913 -99%
1993 1987 0.000527058 9 1978 -99%
1994 2118 0.00056976 13 2105 -99%
1995 2275 0.000621264 7 2268 -99%
1996 2143 0.000587619 17 2126 -98%
1997 2236 0.000616738 11 2225 -99%
1998 2186 0.000594348 10 2176 -99%
1999 2184 0.00059129 14 2170 -99%
2000 2216 0.000586303 16 2200 -99%
2001 2206 0.000589352 13 2193 -99%
2002 2347 0.00062791 13 2334 -99%
2003 2377 0.000625237 12 2365 -99%
2004 2644 0.000692082 31 2613 -98%
2005 2765 0.000719272 15 2750 -99%
2006 3050 0.000771114 28 3022 -98%
2007 3222 0.000806176 15 3207 -99%
2008 3716 0.000945685 19 3697 -99%
2009 5048 0.001321873 29 5019 -99%
2010 6048 0.00163706 29 6019 -99%
2011 6690 0.001829714 33 6657 -99%
2012 7285 0.001992771 47 7238 -99%
2013 7498 0.002057825 56 7442 -99%
2014 8114 0.002190495 46 8068 -99%
2015 8386 0.002267474 59 8327 -99%
2016 8170 0.002228672 64 8106 -98%
2017 8519 0.002384432 55 8464 -99%
2018 8579 0.002442942 51 8528 -99%
2019 9121 0.0026317 80 9041 -98%
2020 9155 0.002745966 79 9076 -98%
2021 9604 0.002841661 81 9523 -98%
2022 9853 0.002930787 67 9786 -99%