Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Liam” in the USA?

Number of people named “Liam” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Liam” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Liam” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Liam” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Liam” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Liam” by birth year

This chart shows how “Liam” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1947 5 0.000001388 5 -100%
1950 10 0.000002854 10 -100%
1954 8 0.00000201 8 -100%
1955 12 0.000002989 12 -100%
1956 18 0.000004366 18 -100%
1957 28 0.000006663 28 -100%
1958 24 0.000005807 24 -100%
1959 17 0.00000409 17 -100%
1960 24 0.000005777 24 -100%
1961 27 0.00000652 27 -100%
1962 24 0.000005948 24 -100%
1963 43 0.000010862 43 -100%
1964 38 0.000009774 38 -100%
1965 37 0.000010205 37 -100%
1966 47 0.000013523 47 -100%
1967 60 0.000017673 60 -100%
1968 54 0.000015983 54 -100%
1969 49 0.000014098 49 -100%
1970 49 0.000013585 49 -100%
1971 59 0.000017189 59 -100%
1972 64 0.000020361 64 -100%
1973 62 0.000020549 62 -100%
1974 74 0.00002434 74 -100%
1975 81 0.000026824 81 -100%
1976 72 0.000023726 72 -100%
1977 97 0.000030535 97 -100%
1978 112 0.000035285 112 -100%
1979 120 0.000036065 120 -100%
1980 115 0.000033383 115 -100%
1981 123 0.000035553 123 -100%
1982 157 0.000044753 157 -100%
1983 146 0.000042155 146 -100%
1984 146 0.000041849 146 -100%
1985 150 0.000042028 150 -100%
1986 151 0.000042452 151 -100%
1987 147 0.000040772 147 -100%
1988 170 0.000046011 170 -100%
1989 224 0.000058268 224 -100%
1990 276 0.000069836 276 -100%
1991 271 0.000069577 271 -100%
1992 304 0.000079147 304 -100%
1993 401 0.000106367 401 -100%
1994 668 0.000179698 668 -100%
1995 1213 0.00033125 7 1206 -99%
1996 1747 0.000479035 1747 -100%
1997 2112 0.000582536 2112 -100%
1998 2209 0.000600601 2209 -100%
1999 2716 0.000735323 8 2708 -99%
2000 2793 0.000738964 12 2781 -99%
2001 3029 0.000809224 3029 -100%
2002 3381 0.000904544 3381 -100%
2003 3582 0.000942195 17 3565 -99%
2004 3842 0.001005665 15 3827 -99%
2005 4161 0.001082419 9 4152 -100%
2006 4525 0.00114403 11 4514 -100%
2007 5152 0.00128908 11 5141 -100%
2008 5991 0.001524649 11 5980 -100%
2009 8586 0.002248337 21 8565 -100%
2010 10952 0.002964464 22 10930 -100%
2011 13461 0.003681582 13 13448 -100%
2012 16839 0.004606215 23 16816 -100%
2013 18172 0.004987304 22 18150 -100%
2014 18510 0.004997049 32 18478 -100%
2015 18421 0.004980819 21 18400 -100%
2016 18278 0.004986006 19 18259 -100%
2017 18887 0.005286392 38 18849 -100%
2018 19981 0.005689756 24 19957 -100%
2019 20631 0.005952702 30 20601 -100%
2020 19861 0.005957142 33 19828 -100%
2021 20395 0.006034536 30 20365 -100%
2022 20481 0.006092098 25 20456 -100%