Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Logan” in the USA?

Number of people named “Logan” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Logan” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Logan” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Logan” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Logan” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Logan” by birth year

This chart shows how “Logan” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1880 13 0.000064521 13 -100%
1881 13 0.000067466 13 -100%
1882 17 0.000076738 17 -100%
1883 20 0.000092189 20 -100%
1884 63 0.000258768 63 -100%
1885 32 0.000132861 32 -100%
1886 30 0.000117501 30 -100%
1887 29 0.000117222 29 -100%
1888 18 0.000060106 18 -100%
1889 32 0.000110747 32 -100%
1890 15 0.000049768 15 -100%
1891 15 0.000052325 15 -100%
1892 14 0.000041869 14 -100%
1893 15 0.000046122 15 -100%
1894 16 0.000047241 16 -100%
1895 15 0.000042732 15 -100%
1896 15 0.00004196 15 -100%
1897 16 0.000046115 16 -100%
1898 18 0.000047188 18 -100%
1899 10 0.000029478 10 -100%
1900 22 0.000048861 22 -100%
1901 8 0.000023134 8 -100%
1902 13 0.000033615 13 -100%
1903 12 0.000031479 12 -100%
1904 13 0.000032219 13 -100%
1905 19 0.000044819 19 -100%
1906 11 0.000025674 11 -100%
1907 8 0.00001719 8 -100%
1908 12 0.000024557 12 -100%
1909 18 0.00003521 18 -100%
1910 17 0.000028779 17 -100%
1911 17 0.000026386 17 -100%
1912 35 0.000035423 35 -100%
1913 38 0.000033418 38 -100%
1914 65 0.000045893 65 -100%
1915 55 0.000030015 55 -100%
1916 79 0.000040839 79 -100%
1917 94 0.000046842 94 -100%
1918 85 0.00003915 85 -100%
1919 81 0.000038384 81 -100%
1920 74 0.000032705 74 -100%
1921 86 0.000036839 86 -100%
1922 73 0.00003189 73 -100%
1923 61 0.000026493 61 -100%
1924 86 0.00003611 86 -100%
1925 80 0.000034286 80 -100%
1926 52 0.000022649 52 -100%
1927 65 0.000028025 65 -100%
1928 47 0.000020788 47 -100%
1929 69 0.000031476 69 -100%
1930 44 0.000019791 44 -100%
1931 44 0.000020909 44 -100%
1932 65 0.000030787 65 -100%
1933 60 0.000030009 60 -100%
1934 63 0.000030336 63 -100%
1935 43 0.000020576 43 -100%
1936 43 0.000020698 43 -100%
1937 38 0.000017835 38 -100%
1938 38 0.000017175 38 -100%
1939 44 0.000019969 44 -100%
1940 56 0.00002432 56 -100%
1941 45 0.00001847 45 -100%
1942 37 0.000013545 37 -100%
1943 54 0.000019132 54 -100%
1944 48 0.000017844 48 -100%
1945 49 0.000018471 49 -100%
1946 50 0.000015648 50 -100%
1947 59 0.000016379 59 -100%
1948 56 0.00001622 56 -100%
1949 53 0.000015209 53 -100%
1950 48 0.000013701 48 -100%
1951 62 0.000016831 62 -100%
1952 51 0.000013428 51 -100%
1953 58 0.000015051 58 -100%
1954 59 0.000014821 59 -100%
1955 65 0.000016189 65 -100%
1956 44 0.000010672 44 -100%
1957 44 0.00001047 44 -100%
1958 47 0.000011373 47 -100%
1959 54 0.000012991 54 -100%
1960 58 0.000013961 58 -100%
1961 50 0.000012075 50 -100%
1962 60 0.00001487 60 -100%
1963 46 0.00001162 46 -100%
1964 66 0.000016977 66 -100%
1965 48 0.000013239 48 -100%
1966 59 0.000016975 59 -100%
1967 52 0.000015317 52 -100%
1968 59 0.000017463 59 -100%
1969 49 0.000014098 49 -100%
1970 54 0.000014972 54 -100%
1971 56 0.000016315 56 -100%
1972 67 0.000021315 6 61 -82%
1973 69 0.000022869 69 -100%
1974 76 0.000024998 5 71 -87%
1975 94 0.000031129 8 86 -83%
1976 122 0.000040203 10 112 -84%
1977 217 0.00006831 12 205 -89%
1978 326 0.000102703 18 308 -89%
1979 515 0.00015478 47 468 -82%
1980 576 0.000167207 57 519 -80%
1981 779 0.000225171 86 693 -78%
1982 774 0.000220627 84 690 -78%
1983 871 0.000251484 88 783 -80%
1984 1081 0.000309854 91 990 -83%
1985 1088 0.000304846 90 998 -83%
1986 1460 0.000410464 132 1328 -82%
1987 2086 0.00057857 135 1951 -87%
1988 3002 0.000812502 245 2757 -84%
1989 3621 0.000941913 341 3280 -81%
1990 3802 0.000962019 368 3434 -81%
1991 4404 0.001130684 511 3893 -77%
1992 4797 0.001248905 571 4226 -76%
1993 5632 0.001493906 790 4842 -72%
1994 6333 0.00170363 879 5454 -72%
1995 7994 0.002183028 1041 6953 -74%
1996 9471 0.002596987 1097 8374 -77%
1997 9687 0.002671887 1067 8620 -78%
1998 9664 0.002627529 1026 8638 -79%
1999 10208 0.002763687 1073 9135 -79%
2000 10735 0.002840234 999 9736 -81%
2001 13753 0.003674233 1042 12711 -85%
2002 13895 0.003717433 921 12974 -87%
2003 14070 0.003700917 885 13185 -87%
2004 14040 0.003675047 900 13140 -87%
2005 14232 0.003702233 759 13473 -89%
2006 15887 0.004016619 737 15150 -91%
2007 16037 0.004012613 708 15329 -91%
2008 14595 0.003714281 736 13859 -90%
2009 15147 0.003966406 684 14463 -91%
2010 14647 0.003964619 620 14027 -92%
2011 13547 0.003705103 551 12996 -92%
2012 13167 0.00360176 682 12485 -90%
2013 13067 0.003586237 707 12360 -89%
2014 14492 0.003912331 831 13661 -89%
2015 13768 0.003722703 834 12934 -88%
2016 12123 0.003307 855 11268 -86%
2017 15148 0.004239862 1106 14042 -85%
2018 13505 0.003845661 1078 12427 -84%
2019 11545 0.003331101 994 10551 -83%
2020 10141 0.003041709 1001 9140 -80%
2021 9850 0.002914449 1034 8816 -79%
2022 8420 0.002504539 845 7575 -80%