Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Madison” in the USA?

Number of people named “Madison” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Madison” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Madison” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Madison” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Madison” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Madison” by birth year

This chart shows how “Madison” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1880 22 0.00010919 22 -100%
1881 28 0.000145311 28 -100%
1882 27 0.000121878 27 -100%
1883 22 0.000101408 22 -100%
1884 20 0.000082149 20 -100%
1885 20 0.000083038 20 -100%
1886 17 0.000066584 17 -100%
1887 18 0.000072759 18 -100%
1888 21 0.000070123 21 -100%
1889 23 0.0000796 23 -100%
1890 14 0.00004645 14 -100%
1891 20 0.000069766 20 -100%
1892 20 0.000059813 20 -100%
1893 12 0.000036898 12 -100%
1894 12 0.000035431 12 -100%
1895 15 0.000042732 15 -100%
1896 14 0.000039163 14 -100%
1897 13 0.000037469 13 -100%
1899 13 0.000038322 13 -100%
1900 17 0.000037756 17 -100%
1901 7 0.000020242 7 -100%
1902 7 0.0000181 7 -100%
1903 18 0.000047219 18 -100%
1904 11 0.000027262 11 -100%
1905 13 0.000030666 13 -100%
1906 14 0.000032676 14 -100%
1907 19 0.000040826 19 -100%
1908 11 0.000022511 11 -100%
1909 8 0.000015649 8 -100%
1910 15 0.000025393 15 -100%
1911 21 0.000032595 21 -100%
1912 35 0.000035423 35 -100%
1913 46 0.000040453 46 -100%
1914 56 0.000039538 56 -100%
1915 72 0.000039292 72 -100%
1916 68 0.000035153 68 -100%
1917 60 0.000029899 60 -100%
1918 66 0.000030399 66 -100%
1919 61 0.000028907 61 -100%
1920 65 0.000028727 65 -100%
1921 68 0.000029128 68 -100%
1922 74 0.000032326 74 -100%
1923 75 0.000032573 75 -100%
1924 70 0.000029392 70 -100%
1925 64 0.000027429 64 -100%
1926 57 0.000024827 57 -100%
1927 62 0.000026732 62 -100%
1928 49 0.000021673 49 -100%
1929 55 0.000025089 55 -100%
1930 50 0.000022489 50 -100%
1931 41 0.000019483 41 -100%
1932 43 0.000020367 43 -100%
1933 35 0.000017505 35 -100%
1934 44 0.000021187 44 -100%
1935 46 0.000022011 46 -100%
1936 54 0.000025992 54 -100%
1937 38 0.000017835 38 -100%
1938 30 0.000013559 30 -100%
1939 50 0.000022692 50 -100%
1940 45 0.000019543 45 -100%
1941 27 0.000011082 27 -100%
1942 44 0.000016107 44 -100%
1943 45 0.000015943 45 -100%
1944 44 0.000016357 44 -100%
1945 38 0.000014324 38 -100%
1946 47 0.000014709 47 -100%
1947 60 0.000016656 60 -100%
1948 46 0.000013324 46 -100%
1949 47 0.000013487 47 -100%
1950 34 0.000009705 34 -100%
1951 51 0.000013845 51 -100%
1952 54 0.000014218 54 -100%
1953 41 0.000010639 41 -100%
1954 50 0.000012561 50 -100%
1955 38 0.000009464 38 -100%
1956 39 0.000009459 39 -100%
1957 36 0.000008566 36 -100%
1958 26 0.000006291 26 -100%
1959 38 0.000009142 38 -100%
1960 36 0.000008666 36 -100%
1961 39 0.000009418 39 -100%
1962 30 0.000007435 30 -100%
1963 32 0.000008084 32 -100%
1964 41 0.000010546 41 -100%
1965 35 0.000009654 35 -100%
1966 27 0.000007768 27 -100%
1967 33 0.00000972 33 -100%
1968 27 0.000007992 27 -100%
1969 29 0.000008344 29 -100%
1970 33 0.000009149 6 27 -64%
1971 34 0.000009905 5 29 -71%
1972 36 0.000011453 36 -100%
1973 22 0.000007292 22 -100%
1974 25 0.000008223 25 -100%
1975 31 0.000010266 6 25 -61%
1976 21 0.00000692 21 -100%
1977 25 0.00000787 25 -100%
1978 19 0.000005986 19 -100%
1979 22 0.000006612 22 -100%
1980 32 0.000009289 32 -100%
1981 36 0.000010406 6 30 -67%
1982 20 0.000005701 20 -100%
1983 23 0.000006641 23 -100%
1984 84 0.000024077 42 42 0%
1985 383 0.000107313 302 81 58%
1986 725 0.000203826 648 77 79%
1987 878 0.000243521 749 129 71%
1988 927 0.000250896 824 103 78%
1989 1354 0.000352209 1224 130 81%
1990 1552 0.000392702 1407 145 81%
1991 2648 0.000679848 2471 177 87%
1992 3345 0.000870875 3165 180 89%
1993 4606 0.001221756 4384 222 90%
1994 6500 0.001748555 6264 236 93%
1995 10044 0.002742848 9775 269 95%
1996 13673 0.003749193 13410 263 96%
1997 15457 0.004263379 15189 268 97%
1998 17999 0.004893717 17786 213 98%
1999 18227 0.004934729 18054 173 98%
2000 20106 0.005319585 19968 138 99%
2001 22292 0.005955501 22166 126 99%
2002 21877 0.005852918 21773 104 99%
2003 20287 0.005336213 20201 86 99%
2004 20835 0.005453676 20628 207 98%
2005 19657 0.005113462 19577 80 99%
2006 18699 0.004727561 18632 67 99%
2007 18034 0.004512281 17965 69 99%
2008 17100 0.004351778 17043 57 99%
2009 15305 0.00400778 15249 56 99%
2010 13225 0.003579715 13191 34 99%
2011 12448 0.003404526 12399 49 99%
2012 11441 0.003129622 11410 31 99%
2013 10642 0.002920696 10602 40 99%
2014 10368 0.002798995 10328 40 99%
2015 10174 0.002750928 10099 75 99%
2016 9089 0.002479364 9047 42 99%
2017 7939 0.002222093 7901 38 99%
2018 7121 0.002027764 7084 37 99%
2019 6323 0.001824387 6290 33 99%
2020 6266 0.001879435 6238 28 99%
2021 5988 0.001771748 5952 36 99%
2022 5506 0.001637766 5479 27 99%