Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Mason” in the USA?

Number of people named “Mason” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Mason” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Mason” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Mason” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Mason” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Mason” by birth year

This chart shows how “Mason” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1880 22 0.00010919 22 -100%
1881 13 0.000067466 13 -100%
1882 12 0.000054168 12 -100%
1883 12 0.000055314 12 -100%
1884 14 0.000057504 14 -100%
1885 15 0.000062278 15 -100%
1886 18 0.000070501 18 -100%
1887 13 0.000052548 13 -100%
1888 14 0.000046749 14 -100%
1889 21 0.000072678 21 -100%
1890 16 0.000053085 16 -100%
1891 11 0.000038372 11 -100%
1892 20 0.000059813 20 -100%
1893 12 0.000036898 12 -100%
1894 18 0.000053146 18 -100%
1895 19 0.000054128 19 -100%
1896 18 0.000050352 18 -100%
1897 23 0.000066291 23 -100%
1898 15 0.000039323 15 -100%
1899 19 0.000056009 19 -100%
1900 32 0.00007107 32 -100%
1901 15 0.000043376 15 -100%
1902 24 0.000062058 24 -100%
1903 21 0.000055089 21 -100%
1904 20 0.000049568 20 -100%
1905 22 0.000051896 22 -100%
1906 20 0.00004668 20 -100%
1907 22 0.000047272 22 -100%
1908 27 0.000055254 27 -100%
1909 16 0.000031297 16 -100%
1910 27 0.000045708 27 -100%
1911 30 0.000046564 30 -100%
1912 58 0.000058701 58 -100%
1913 85 0.000074751 85 -100%
1914 89 0.000062838 89 -100%
1915 98 0.000053481 98 -100%
1916 143 0.000073924 7 136 -90%
1917 114 0.000056808 114 -100%
1918 121 0.000055732 5 116 -92%
1919 125 0.000059235 125 -100%
1920 148 0.00006541 6 142 -92%
1921 144 0.000061683 144 -100%
1922 131 0.000057226 131 -100%
1923 133 0.000057763 5 128 -92%
1924 119 0.000049966 119 -100%
1925 114 0.000048857 114 -100%
1926 122 0.000053138 122 -100%
1927 108 0.000046565 108 -100%
1928 108 0.000047769 108 -100%
1929 96 0.000043792 96 -100%
1930 95 0.00004273 95 -100%
1931 85 0.000040393 85 -100%
1932 86 0.000040734 86 -100%
1933 83 0.000041512 83 -100%
1934 89 0.000042855 89 -100%
1935 82 0.000039238 82 -100%
1936 82 0.00003947 82 -100%
1937 71 0.000033324 71 -100%
1938 80 0.000036157 80 -100%
1939 80 0.000036307 80 -100%
1940 77 0.00003344 77 -100%
1941 81 0.000033247 81 -100%
1942 103 0.000037705 103 -100%
1943 89 0.000031532 89 -100%
1944 91 0.000033829 91 -100%
1945 69 0.00002601 69 -100%
1946 84 0.000026289 84 -100%
1947 88 0.000024429 88 -100%
1948 92 0.000026648 92 -100%
1949 93 0.000026688 93 -100%
1950 90 0.000025689 90 -100%
1951 86 0.000023346 86 -100%
1952 85 0.00002238 85 -100%
1953 81 0.000021019 81 -100%
1954 70 0.000017585 70 -100%
1955 98 0.000024408 98 -100%
1956 92 0.000022313 92 -100%
1957 72 0.000017133 72 -100%
1958 89 0.000021535 89 -100%
1959 85 0.000020449 85 -100%
1960 80 0.000019257 80 -100%
1961 89 0.000021493 89 -100%
1962 89 0.000022057 89 -100%
1963 95 0.000023998 95 -100%
1964 98 0.000025208 98 -100%
1965 73 0.000020134 73 -100%
1966 90 0.000025895 90 -100%
1967 87 0.000025626 87 -100%
1968 102 0.00003019 102 -100%
1969 157 0.000045171 157 -100%
1970 179 0.000049628 179 -100%
1971 164 0.000047779 164 -100%
1972 132 0.000041994 132 -100%
1973 152 0.000050379 152 -100%
1974 268 0.000088152 268 -100%
1975 307 0.000101665 307 -100%
1976 251 0.000082712 251 -100%
1977 262 0.000082475 262 -100%
1978 273 0.000086006 5 268 -96%
1979 325 0.000097676 5 320 -97%
1980 338 0.000098118 338 -100%
1981 310 0.000089606 310 -100%
1982 332 0.000094636 5 327 -97%
1983 251 0.000072471 8 243 -94%
1984 283 0.000081118 6 277 -96%
1985 464 0.000130008 10 454 -96%
1986 660 0.000185552 9 651 -97%
1987 830 0.000230208 12 818 -97%
1988 1039 0.000281209 13 1026 -97%
1989 1113 0.000289519 15 1098 -97%
1990 1498 0.000379038 20 1478 -97%
1991 2056 0.000527858 21 2035 -98%
1992 2232 0.000581104 33 2199 -97%
1993 2499 0.000662868 26 2473 -98%
1994 2834 0.00076237 33 2801 -98%
1995 3717 0.00101505 87 3630 -95%
1996 4001 0.001097091 120 3881 -94%
1997 4422 0.001219684 155 4267 -93%
1998 4801 0.001305336 143 4658 -94%
1999 5584 0.001511797 133 5451 -95%
2000 6664 0.001763141 148 6516 -96%
2001 7597 0.002029604 150 7447 -96%
2002 8027 0.002147523 149 7878 -96%
2003 8038 0.002114284 141 7897 -96%
2004 8781 0.002298475 162 8619 -96%
2005 9923 0.002581313 152 9771 -97%
2006 10539 0.002664515 128 10411 -98%
2007 10867 0.002719029 95 10772 -98%
2008 10592 0.002695558 106 10486 -98%
2009 10764 0.002818669 75 10689 -99%
2010 14927 0.004040409 76 14851 -99%
2011 19611 0.005363606 89 19522 -99%
2012 19070 0.005216493 83 18987 -99%
2013 17794 0.004883562 73 17721 -99%
2014 17290 0.004667692 78 17212 -99%
2015 16749 0.00452873 92 16657 -99%
2016 15370 0.004192741 88 15282 -99%
2017 13649 0.003820298 62 13587 -99%
2018 12577 0.003581405 74 12503 -99%
2019 11541 0.003329947 76 11465 -99%
2020 10164 0.003048608 67 10097 -99%
2021 9143 0.002705259 69 9074 -98%
2022 8054 0.002395672 66 7988 -98%