Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Mateo” in the USA?

Number of people named “Mateo” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Mateo” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Mateo” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Mateo” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Mateo” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Mateo” by birth year

This chart shows how “Mateo” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1904 5 0.000012392 5 -100%
1912 7 0.000007085 7 -100%
1913 9 0.000007915 9 -100%
1914 6 0.000004236 6 -100%
1916 15 0.000007754 15 -100%
1918 12 0.000005527 12 -100%
1919 14 0.000006634 14 -100%
1920 25 0.000011049 25 -100%
1921 8 0.000003427 8 -100%
1922 16 0.000006989 16 -100%
1923 15 0.000006515 15 -100%
1924 18 0.000007558 18 -100%
1925 12 0.000005143 12 -100%
1926 17 0.000007405 17 -100%
1927 16 0.000006898 16 -100%
1928 10 0.000004423 10 -100%
1929 25 0.000011404 25 -100%
1930 18 0.000008096 18 -100%
1931 11 0.000005227 11 -100%
1932 11 0.00000521 11 -100%
1934 12 0.000005778 12 -100%
1935 12 0.000005742 12 -100%
1936 8 0.000003851 8 -100%
1937 6 0.000002816 6 -100%
1938 13 0.000005876 13 -100%
1939 11 0.000004992 11 -100%
1940 12 0.000005212 12 -100%
1941 11 0.000004515 11 -100%
1942 8 0.000002929 8 -100%
1943 14 0.00000496 14 -100%
1944 8 0.000002974 8 -100%
1945 13 0.0000049 13 -100%
1946 14 0.000004382 14 -100%
1947 9 0.000002498 9 -100%
1948 11 0.000003186 11 -100%
1949 12 0.000003444 12 -100%
1950 14 0.000003996 14 -100%
1951 10 0.000002715 10 -100%
1952 9 0.00000237 9 -100%
1953 16 0.000004152 16 -100%
1955 14 0.000003487 14 -100%
1956 16 0.000003881 16 -100%
1957 13 0.000003093 13 -100%
1958 7 0.000001694 7 -100%
1959 17 0.00000409 17 -100%
1960 14 0.00000337 14 -100%
1961 14 0.000003381 14 -100%
1964 11 0.000002829 11 -100%
1966 11 0.000003165 11 -100%
1967 13 0.000003829 13 -100%
1968 12 0.000003552 12 -100%
1969 27 0.000007768 27 -100%
1970 19 0.000005268 19 -100%
1971 18 0.000005244 18 -100%
1972 27 0.00000859 27 -100%
1973 23 0.000007623 23 -100%
1974 26 0.000008552 26 -100%
1975 42 0.000013909 42 -100%
1976 23 0.000007579 23 -100%
1977 35 0.000011018 35 -100%
1978 38 0.000011972 38 -100%
1979 31 0.000009317 31 -100%
1980 22 0.000006386 22 -100%
1981 30 0.000008672 30 -100%
1982 34 0.000009692 34 -100%
1983 45 0.000012993 45 -100%
1984 41 0.000011752 41 -100%
1985 46 0.000012889 46 -100%
1986 21 0.000005904 21 -100%
1987 38 0.00001054 38 -100%
1988 40 0.000010826 40 -100%
1989 52 0.000013527 52 -100%
1990 56 0.00001417 56 -100%
1991 65 0.000016688 65 -100%
1992 60 0.000015621 60 -100%
1993 63 0.000016711 63 -100%
1994 83 0.000022328 83 -100%
1995 125 0.000034135 125 -100%
1996 231 0.000063341 231 -100%
1997 340 0.000093779 340 -100%
1998 409 0.000111202 409 -100%
1999 577 0.000156215 577 -100%
2000 572 0.000151338 572 -100%
2001 727 0.000194224 727 -100%
2002 766 0.000204934 766 -100%
2003 875 0.000230157 875 -100%
2004 961 0.000251547 961 -100%
2005 1088 0.000283026 1088 -100%
2006 1270 0.000321087 1270 -100%
2007 1227 0.000307007 1227 -100%
2008 1407 0.000358067 1407 -100%
2009 1594 0.000417406 1594 -100%
2010 1624 0.000439581 1624 -100%
2011 2203 0.00060252 2203 -100%
2012 2839 0.000776593 2839 -100%
2013 3597 0.000987196 9 3588 -99%
2014 3747 0.001011558 5 3742 -100%
2015 5035 0.001361404 7 5028 -100%
2016 6556 0.001788393 6556 -100%
2017 7779 0.002177309 9 7770 -100%
2018 8214 0.002339005 8214 -100%
2019 9011 0.002599961 9011 -100%
2020 8998 0.002698875 8 8990 -100%
2021 9165 0.002711769 6 9159 -100%
2022 10321 0.003069994 10321 -100%