Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Michael” in the USA?

Number of people named “Michael” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Michael” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Michael” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Michael” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Michael” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Michael” by birth year

This chart shows how “Michael” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1880 354 0.001756963 354 -100%
1881 298 0.001546526 298 -100%
1882 321 0.001448994 321 -100%
1883 307 0.001415105 307 -100%
1884 373 0.001532073 373 -100%
1885 370 0.0015362 370 -100%
1886 348 0.001363011 348 -100%
1887 344 0.0013905 344 -100%
1888 466 0.001556067 466 -100%
1889 377 0.001304742 377 -100%
1890 394 0.001307229 394 -100%
1891 333 0.00116161 333 -100%
1892 380 0.001136452 380 -100%
1893 407 0.001251449 407 -100%
1894 423 0.00124893 423 -100%
1895 413 0.001176568 413 -100%
1896 399 0.001116134 399 -100%
1897 375 0.001080826 7 368 -96%
1898 434 0.001137746 434 -100%
1899 375 0.001105435 375 -100%
1900 495 0.001099362 495 -100%
1901 384 0.00111043 384 -100%
1902 460 0.001189454 460 -100%
1903 466 0.001222449 466 -100%
1904 462 0.001145024 462 -100%
1905 513 0.00121012 513 -100%
1906 536 0.001251018 5 531 -98%
1907 586 0.001259154 586 -100%
1908 688 0.001407955 688 -100%
1909 642 0.00125581 7 635 -98%
1910 853 0.00144402 9 844 -98%
1911 1166 0.001809775 7 1159 -99%
1912 2112 0.002137522 8 2104 -99%
1913 2619 0.002303205 12 2607 -99%
1914 3378 0.00238501 16 3362 -99%
1915 4094 0.002234192 14 4080 -99%
1916 4228 0.00218567 18 4210 -99%
1917 4300 0.002142763 12 4288 -99%
1918 4326 0.001992529 30 4296 -99%
1919 3934 0.001864233 24 3910 -99%
1920 4025 0.001778888 22 4003 -99%
1921 4222 0.001808521 24 4198 -99%
1922 4021 0.001756546 31 3990 -98%
1923 3944 0.001712925 29 3915 -99%
1924 3910 0.001641739 36 3874 -98%
1925 3795 0.001626437 34 3761 -98%
1926 3517 0.001531864 32 3485 -98%
1927 3636 0.001567677 29 3607 -98%
1928 3629 0.001605112 33 3596 -98%
1929 3498 0.00159568 33 3465 -98%
1930 3578 0.001609334 36 3542 -98%
1931 3514 0.001669876 24 3490 -99%
1932 3627 0.001717929 20 3607 -99%
1933 3575 0.001788029 26 3549 -99%
1934 4127 0.001987224 20 4107 -99%
1935 4939 0.002363363 32 4907 -99%
1936 5840 0.002811037 40 5800 -99%
1937 7142 0.00335207 47 7095 -99%
1938 9134 0.004128244 58 9076 -99%
1939 10909 0.004950974 81 10828 -99%
1940 13308 0.005779556 80 13228 -99%
1941 16029 0.006579131 97 15932 -99%
1942 21885 0.008011418 156 21729 -99%
1943 24934 0.008833993 188 24746 -98%
1944 26885 0.009994398 168 26717 -99%
1945 30060 0.011331214 158 29902 -99%
1946 41360 0.012944222 169 41191 -99%
1947 50673 0.014067151 173 50500 -99%
1948 52734 0.015274238 170 52564 -99%
1949 60238 0.017286358 188 60050 -99%
1950 65318 0.018644152 179 65139 -99%
1951 72976 0.019810166 172 72804 -100%
1952 79231 0.020861056 190 79041 -100%
1953 84435 0.02191063 232 84203 -99%
1954 88781 0.022302805 216 88565 -100%
1955 88606 0.022068368 250 88356 -99%
1956 90935 0.022055088 239 90696 -99%
1957 93039 0.022138996 254 92785 -99%
1958 90861 0.021985512 294 90567 -99%
1959 85519 0.020573664 285 85234 -99%
1960 84485 0.020336803 316 84169 -99%
1961 87252 0.02107065 325 86927 -99%
1962 85387 0.021161335 355 85032 -99%
1963 84151 0.021257821 377 83774 -99%
1964 82931 0.021331783 303 82628 -99%
1965 81366 0.022441924 355 81011 -99%
1966 80329 0.023112062 346 79983 -99%
1967 82797 0.024387851 373 82424 -99%
1968 82451 0.024404205 471 81980 -99%
1969 85632 0.024637721 458 85174 -99%
1970 85731 0.023769079 457 85274 -99%
1971 78052 0.022739232 459 77593 -99%
1972 71839 0.022854505 452 71387 -99%
1973 68279 0.022630515 451 67828 -99%
1974 68075 0.022391574 525 67550 -98%
1975 68989 0.022846082 557 68432 -98%
1976 67443 0.022224426 515 66928 -98%
1977 68160 0.021456208 560 67600 -98%
1978 67687 0.021324174 545 67142 -98%
1979 68278 0.020520462 554 67724 -98%
1980 69236 0.020098472 546 68690 -98%
1981 69261 0.020020014 487 68774 -99%
1982 68816 0.01961587 576 68240 -98%
1983 68577 0.019800257 577 68000 -98%
1984 68257 0.019564966 508 67749 -99%
1985 65455 0.0183398 531 64924 -98%
1986 64818 0.018222911 590 64228 -98%
1987 64197 0.017805599 544 63653 -98%
1988 64641 0.017495323 480 64161 -99%
1989 65771 0.017108694 363 65408 -99%
1990 65583 0.016594443 277 65306 -99%
1991 61066 0.015678097 267 60799 -99%
1992 54657 0.014230021 258 54399 -99%
1993 49787 0.013206161 223 49564 -99%
1994 44662 0.012014453 192 44470 -99%
1995 41573 0.01135289 167 41406 -99%
1996 38523 0.010563166 157 38366 -99%
1997 37693 0.010396555 142 37551 -99%
1998 36745 0.009990536 128 36617 -99%
1999 34035 0.009214545 123 33912 -99%
2000 32156 0.008507738 114 32042 -99%
2001 29784 0.007957053 96 29688 -99%
2002 28351 0.007584955 95 28256 -99%
2003 27220 0.007159842 94 27126 -99%
2004 25613 0.006704344 148 25465 -99%
2005 23887 0.00621383 61 23826 -99%
2006 22711 0.005741891 64 22647 -99%
2007 22065 0.005520876 51 22014 -100%
2008 20697 0.005267179 55 20642 -99%
2009 19001 0.004975617 45 18956 -100%
2010 17411 0.004712773 37 17374 -100%
2011 16851 0.004608746 36 16815 -100%
2012 16229 0.004439353 27 16202 -100%
2013 15569 0.004272911 39 15530 -99%
2014 15522 0.004190394 35 15487 -100%
2015 14510 0.003923331 36 14474 -100%
2016 14154 0.003861031 34 14120 -100%
2017 12734 0.003564193 34 12700 -99%
2018 11749 0.003345625 20 11729 -100%
2019 10622 0.003064786 33 10589 -99%
2020 9829 0.002948127 24 9805 -100%
2021 9128 0.002700821 25 9103 -99%
2022 8848 0.002631848 19 8829 -100%