Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Noah” in the USA?

Number of people named “Noah” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Noah” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Noah” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Noah” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Noah” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Noah” by birth year

This chart shows how “Noah” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1880 103 0.000511207 103 -100%
1881 81 0.000420364 81 -100%
1882 108 0.000487512 108 -100%
1883 81 0.000373367 81 -100%
1884 94 0.000386099 94 -100%
1885 76 0.000315544 76 -100%
1886 90 0.000352503 90 -100%
1887 94 0.000379962 94 -100%
1888 83 0.000277154 83 -100%
1889 85 0.000294173 85 -100%
1890 74 0.00024552 74 -100%
1891 76 0.000265112 76 -100%
1892 79 0.000236262 79 -100%
1893 69 0.000212162 69 -100%
1894 74 0.000218489 74 -100%
1895 72 0.000205116 72 -100%
1896 69 0.000193016 69 -100%
1897 58 0.000167168 58 -100%
1898 68 0.000178264 68 -100%
1899 47 0.000138548 47 -100%
1900 92 0.000204326 92 -100%
1901 56 0.000161938 56 -100%
1902 69 0.000178418 69 -100%
1903 48 0.000125917 48 -100%
1904 46 0.000114007 46 -100%
1905 60 0.000141534 60 -100%
1906 60 0.000140039 60 -100%
1907 61 0.000131072 61 -100%
1908 68 0.000139158 68 -100%
1909 62 0.000121278 62 -100%
1910 87 0.00014728 87 -100%
1911 82 0.000127274 82 -100%
1912 116 0.000117402 116 -100%
1913 141 0.000123998 141 -100%
1914 171 0.000120733 171 -100%
1915 189 0.000103142 189 -100%
1916 229 0.000118382 229 -100%
1917 219 0.000109131 219 -100%
1918 247 0.000113767 247 -100%
1919 253 0.000119891 253 -100%
1920 242 0.000106954 242 -100%
1921 247 0.000105804 247 -100%
1922 236 0.000103095 236 -100%
1923 259 0.000112487 259 -100%
1924 239 0.000100352 239 -100%
1925 219 0.000093858 219 -100%
1926 235 0.000102357 235 -100%
1927 236 0.000101752 236 -100%
1928 174 0.00007696 174 -100%
1929 197 0.000089865 197 -100%
1930 191 0.000085909 191 -100%
1931 186 0.000088388 6 180 -94%
1932 182 0.000086204 182 -100%
1933 173 0.000086526 173 -100%
1934 148 0.000071265 148 -100%
1935 175 0.000083739 175 -100%
1936 147 0.000070757 147 -100%
1937 143 0.000067116 143 -100%
1938 145 0.000065535 145 -100%
1939 122 0.000055369 122 -100%
1940 150 0.000065144 150 -100%
1941 161 0.000066083 161 -100%
1942 182 0.000066625 182 -100%
1943 155 0.000054916 155 -100%
1944 157 0.000058364 157 -100%
1945 133 0.000050135 133 -100%
1946 130 0.000040685 130 -100%
1947 156 0.000043307 156 -100%
1948 150 0.000043447 150 -100%
1949 148 0.000042471 148 -100%
1950 153 0.000043672 153 -100%
1951 154 0.000041805 154 -100%
1952 143 0.000037651 143 -100%
1953 161 0.000041779 161 -100%
1954 131 0.000032909 131 -100%
1955 133 0.000033125 133 -100%
1956 138 0.00003347 138 -100%
1957 153 0.000036407 153 -100%
1958 137 0.00003315 137 -100%
1959 153 0.000036808 153 -100%
1960 139 0.000033459 139 -100%
1961 131 0.000031635 5 126 -92%
1962 141 0.000034944 141 -100%
1963 124 0.000031324 124 -100%
1964 138 0.000035497 138 -100%
1965 120 0.000033098 120 -100%
1966 157 0.000045172 157 -100%
1967 154 0.000045361 154 -100%
1968 175 0.000051797 175 -100%
1969 246 0.000070778 246 -100%
1970 347 0.000096206 7 340 -96%
1971 478 0.000139258 478 -100%
1972 422 0.000134253 422 -100%
1973 492 0.000163069 492 -100%
1974 547 0.000179922 547 -100%
1975 585 0.000193726 5 580 -98%
1976 545 0.000179593 545 -100%
1977 690 0.000217206 7 683 -98%
1978 696 0.000219268 9 687 -97%
1979 924 0.000277702 10 914 -98%
1980 934 0.00027113 5 929 -99%
1981 1413 0.00040843 13 1400 -98%
1982 1830 0.000521638 14 1816 -98%
1983 1561 0.000450708 18 1543 -98%
1984 1254 0.000359442 8 1246 -99%
1985 1108 0.00031045 1108 -100%
1986 1050 0.000295197 12 1038 -98%
1987 1004 0.000278468 8 996 -98%
1988 1077 0.000291494 12 1065 -98%
1989 1255 0.000326457 13 1242 -98%
1990 1317 0.00033324 9 1308 -99%
1991 1328 0.000340951 13 1315 -98%
1992 1437 0.000374125 14 1423 -98%
1993 1520 0.000403185 17 1503 -98%
1994 2096 0.000563842 17 2079 -98%
1995 3843 0.001049459 20 3823 -99%
1996 7225 0.001981125 43 7182 -99%
1997 9342 0.002576728 63 9279 -99%
1998 13471 0.003662607 57 13414 -99%
1999 14986 0.00405727 56 14930 -99%
2000 14344 0.003795092 64 14280 -99%
2001 13528 0.003614123 36 13492 -99%
2002 12114 0.003240949 42 12072 -99%
2003 11902 0.003130655 64 11838 -99%
2004 11995 0.003139757 87 11908 -99%
2005 13957 0.003630696 56 13901 -99%
2006 16393 0.004144548 53 16340 -99%
2007 16691 0.00417625 91 16600 -99%
2008 15855 0.004034938 56 15799 -99%
2009 17329 0.004537785 70 17259 -99%
2010 16547 0.004478907 80 16467 -99%
2011 16954 0.004636917 78 16876 -99%
2012 17444 0.004771709 78 17366 -99%
2013 18356 0.005037803 80 18276 -99%
2014 19436 0.005247037 107 19329 -99%
2015 19803 0.005354495 137 19666 -99%
2016 19305 0.005266158 134 19171 -99%
2017 18648 0.005219497 175 18473 -98%
2018 18578 0.00529024 175 18403 -98%
2019 19364 0.005587132 219 19145 -98%
2020 18713 0.005612809 306 18407 -97%
2021 19267 0.00570078 418 18849 -96%
2022 19098 0.005680723 477 18621 -95%