Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Oliver” in the USA?

Number of people named “Oliver” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Oliver” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Oliver” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Oliver” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Oliver” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Oliver” by birth year

This chart shows how “Oliver” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1880 234 0.001161383 234 -100%
1881 238 0.001235145 238 -100%
1882 244 0.001101416 244 -100%
1883 219 0.001009472 219 -100%
1884 245 0.001006321 245 -100%
1885 258 0.001071188 258 -100%
1886 230 0.000900841 230 -100%
1887 203 0.000820557 203 -100%
1888 206 0.000687875 206 -100%
1889 210 0.000726779 210 -100%
1890 218 0.000723289 218 -100%
1891 212 0.000739524 212 -100%
1892 238 0.000711778 238 -100%
1893 214 0.00065801 214 -100%
1894 222 0.000655467 222 -100%
1895 216 0.000615348 216 -100%
1896 194 0.000542682 194 -100%
1897 174 0.000501503 174 -100%
1898 186 0.000487605 186 -100%
1899 161 0.0004746 161 -100%
1900 256 0.000568559 256 -100%
1901 187 0.000540756 187 -100%
1902 181 0.000468024 181 -100%
1903 210 0.000550889 210 -100%
1904 200 0.000495681 200 -100%
1905 220 0.00051896 9 211 -92%
1906 183 0.00042712 183 -100%
1907 207 0.000444786 207 -100%
1908 207 0.000423614 207 -100%
1909 246 0.000481198 246 -100%
1910 307 0.000519712 307 -100%
1911 338 0.000524617 5 333 -97%
1912 653 0.000660891 7 646 -98%
1913 644 0.000566348 644 -100%
1914 873 0.000616375 12 861 -97%
1915 1140 0.000622125 9 1131 -98%
1916 1118 0.000577952 15 1103 -97%
1917 1185 0.000590506 10 1175 -98%
1918 1258 0.000579427 10 1248 -98%
1919 1220 0.00057813 11 1209 -98%
1920 1175 0.000519303 11 1164 -98%
1921 1204 0.000515741 10 1194 -98%
1922 1224 0.000534696 10 1214 -98%
1923 1231 0.000534638 10 1221 -98%
1924 1183 0.00049672 11 1172 -98%
1925 1062 0.000455145 13 1049 -98%
1926 1070 0.000466049 5 1065 -99%
1927 1014 0.000437191 12 1002 -98%
1928 942 0.000416648 8 934 -98%
1929 895 0.000408271 11 884 -98%
1930 860 0.000386816 9 851 -98%
1931 784 0.000372562 6 778 -98%
1932 747 0.000353817 6 741 -98%
1933 595 0.000297588 595 -100%
1934 741 0.000356805 9 732 -98%
1935 655 0.000313424 9 646 -97%
1936 591 0.000284473 591 -100%
1937 615 0.000288648 6 609 -98%
1938 568 0.000256716 568 -100%
1939 604 0.000274121 6 598 -98%
1940 589 0.000255798 7 582 -98%
1941 600 0.000246271 600 -100%
1942 618 0.000226231 5 613 -98%
1943 683 0.000241984 15 668 -96%
1944 572 0.000212639 7 565 -98%
1945 563 0.000212225 5 558 -98%
1946 625 0.000195603 6 619 -98%
1947 629 0.000174614 5 624 -98%
1948 642 0.000185953 11 631 -97%
1949 603 0.000173042 6 597 -98%
1950 556 0.000158703 556 -100%
1951 552 0.000149847 552 -100%
1952 566 0.000149024 11 555 -96%
1953 529 0.000137274 8 521 -97%
1954 535 0.000134398 535 -100%
1955 508 0.000126523 508 -100%
1956 487 0.000118115 5 482 -98%
1957 454 0.000108031 454 -100%
1958 452 0.00010937 452 -100%
1959 379 0.000091178 8 371 -96%
1960 371 0.000089305 371 -100%
1961 347 0.000083798 347 -100%
1962 313 0.00007757 313 -100%
1963 359 0.000090689 359 -100%
1964 368 0.000094658 368 -100%
1965 302 0.000083296 302 -100%
1966 344 0.000098975 5 339 -97%
1967 290 0.000085419 290 -100%
1968 331 0.000097971 7 324 -96%
1969 334 0.000096097 7 327 -96%
1970 366 0.000101474 366 -100%
1971 422 0.000122943 6 416 -97%
1972 373 0.000118664 5 368 -97%
1973 381 0.000126279 7 374 -96%
1974 347 0.000114137 347 -100%
1975 355 0.00011756 355 -100%
1976 342 0.000112699 5 337 -97%
1977 345 0.000108603 7 338 -96%
1978 430 0.000135468 8 422 -96%
1979 407 0.000122321 407 -100%
1980 400 0.000116116 7 393 -96%
1981 409 0.000118222 6 403 -97%
1982 455 0.000129697 455 -100%
1983 434 0.000125309 434 -100%
1984 404 0.000115801 7 397 -97%
1985 371 0.00010395 371 -100%
1986 344 0.000096712 6 338 -97%
1987 467 0.000129527 6 461 -97%
1988 440 0.000119088 440 -100%
1989 460 0.000119658 460 -100%
1990 625 0.000158144 625 -100%
1991 582 0.000149423 582 -100%
1992 664 0.000172873 664 -100%
1993 670 0.00017772 5 665 -99%
1994 643 0.000172972 643 -100%
1995 597 0.000163031 597 -100%
1996 607 0.000166442 607 -100%
1997 669 0.000184525 669 -100%
1998 739 0.000200925 5 734 -99%
1999 782 0.000211717 782 -100%
2000 978 0.000258756 978 -100%
2001 978 0.000261281 978 -100%
2002 1171 0.000313286 5 1166 -99%
2003 1379 0.000362727 5 1374 -99%
2004 1497 0.000391848 6 1491 -99%
2005 1793 0.000466421 1793 -100%
2006 2351 0.00059439 2351 -100%
2007 2917 0.000729862 7 2910 -100%
2008 3613 0.000919472 11 3602 -99%
2009 4294 0.00112443 7 4287 -100%
2010 4671 0.001264336 7 4664 -100%
2011 5421 0.001482643 9 5412 -100%
2012 5930 0.001622119 9 5921 -100%
2013 7287 0.001999917 12 7275 -100%
2014 9458 0.002553327 13 9445 -100%
2015 11683 0.003158944 20 11663 -100%
2016 13076 0.003566967 18 13058 -100%
2017 13235 0.003704421 15 13220 -100%
2018 13506 0.003845946 19 13487 -100%
2019 13975 0.004032234 22 13953 -100%
2020 14284 0.004284367 23 14261 -100%
2021 14709 0.004352145 26 14683 -100%
2022 15104 0.004492703 28 15076 -100%