Name Trends

See the popularity of names over time in the USA

How popular is “Woodrow” in the USA?

Number of people named “Woodrow” by birth year

This chart shows how many people named “Woodrow” were born each year.

Due to changes to population growth and data collection rates over time, this isn't a good chart for understanding popularity.

Popularity of “Woodrow” by birth year

This chart shows how the popularity of “Woodrow” has changed over time.

Popularity is the number of people named “Woodrow” born in that year divided by the total number of births for that year.

Bias in sex for “Woodrow” by birth year

This chart shows how “Woodrow” has been used as gendered name over time. The scale ranges from 1 (only females) to -1 (only males).

Sex is a required field in SSA's Social Security Card applications (only 2 options). Most applications are filed around a person's time of birth.

The raw data

This table shows the data used in the above charts.

Year Count Proportion Females Males Bias toward female
1900 8 0.000017767 8 -100%
1902 5 0.000012929 5 -100%
1906 7 0.000016338 7 -100%
1907 11 0.000023636 11 -100%
1908 17 0.00003479 17 -100%
1909 24 0.000046946 24 -100%
1910 45 0.000076179 45 -100%
1911 121 0.000187807 121 -100%
1912 1854 0.001876404 11 1843 -99%
1913 2343 0.002060485 10 2333 -99%
1914 1791 0.001264522 6 1785 -99%
1915 1974 0.001077258 8 1966 -99%
1916 2679 0.001384913 11 2668 -99%
1917 2439 0.001215395 11 2428 -99%
1918 3372 0.001553123 14 3358 -99%
1919 1823 0.000863878 15 1808 -98%
1920 779 0.000344287 5 774 -99%
1921 690 0.000295566 6 684 -98%
1922 631 0.000275648 9 622 -97%
1923 484 0.000210207 484 -100%
1924 521 0.000218759 5 516 -98%
1925 375 0.000160715 375 -100%
1926 306 0.000133281 306 -100%
1927 343 0.000147886 5 338 -97%
1928 230 0.000101729 230 -100%
1929 213 0.000097164 213 -100%
1930 212 0.000095355 212 -100%
1931 243 0.000115475 7 236 -94%
1932 298 0.000141148 5 293 -97%
1933 222 0.000111033 222 -100%
1934 217 0.000104489 217 -100%
1935 272 0.000130155 272 -100%
1936 284 0.000136701 284 -100%
1937 355 0.000166618 355 -100%
1938 404 0.000182594 404 -100%
1939 425 0.000192883 425 -100%
1940 449 0.000194997 5 444 -98%
1941 481 0.000197427 481 -100%
1942 479 0.000175347 479 -100%
1943 559 0.000198051 559 -100%
1944 523 0.000194423 523 -100%
1945 503 0.000189607 503 -100%
1946 470 0.000147093 470 -100%
1947 485 0.000134639 485 -100%
1948 428 0.000123969 428 -100%
1949 388 0.000111343 388 -100%
1950 334 0.000095336 334 -100%
1951 362 0.000098269 362 -100%
1952 353 0.000092943 353 -100%
1953 303 0.000078628 303 -100%
1954 305 0.00007662 305 -100%
1955 283 0.000070484 283 -100%
1956 234 0.000056754 234 -100%
1957 238 0.000056633 238 -100%
1958 221 0.000053475 6 215 -95%
1959 180 0.000043303 180 -100%
1960 209 0.000050309 209 -100%
1961 214 0.000051679 214 -100%
1962 202 0.000050061 202 -100%
1963 191 0.00004825 191 -100%
1964 195 0.000050159 195 -100%
1965 168 0.000046337 168 -100%
1966 148 0.000042582 148 -100%
1967 154 0.000045361 154 -100%
1968 148 0.000043806 148 -100%
1969 156 0.000044884 156 -100%
1970 147 0.000040756 147 -100%
1971 144 0.000041952 144 -100%
1972 136 0.000043266 136 -100%
1973 120 0.000039773 120 -100%
1974 97 0.000031906 97 -100%
1975 100 0.000033116 100 -100%
1976 105 0.000034601 105 -100%
1977 109 0.000034312 109 -100%
1978 94 0.000029614 94 -100%
1979 97 0.000029153 97 -100%
1980 94 0.000027287 94 -100%
1981 84 0.00002428 84 -100%
1982 88 0.000025084 88 -100%
1983 86 0.000024831 86 -100%
1984 62 0.000017771 62 -100%
1985 64 0.000017932 64 -100%
1986 77 0.000021648 77 -100%
1987 50 0.000013868 50 -100%
1988 64 0.000017322 64 -100%
1989 73 0.000018989 73 -100%
1990 68 0.000017206 68 -100%
1991 70 0.000017972 70 -100%
1992 71 0.000018485 71 -100%
1993 62 0.000016446 62 -100%
1994 50 0.00001345 50 -100%
1995 39 0.00001065 39 -100%
1996 54 0.000014807 54 -100%
1997 64 0.000017653 64 -100%
1998 40 0.000010876 40 -100%
1999 39 0.000010559 39 -100%
2000 23 0.000006085 23 -100%
2001 24 0.000006412 24 -100%
2002 32 0.000008561 32 -100%
2003 36 0.000009469 36 -100%
2004 29 0.000007591 29 -100%
2005 32 0.000008324 32 -100%
2006 19 0.000004804 19 -100%
2007 27 0.000006756 27 -100%
2008 33 0.000008398 33 -100%
2009 29 0.000007594 29 -100%
2010 44 0.00001191 44 -100%
2011 39 0.000010666 39 -100%
2012 35 0.000009574 35 -100%
2013 33 0.000009057 33 -100%
2014 57 0.000015388 57 -100%
2015 59 0.000015953 59 -100%
2016 77 0.000021005 77 -100%
2017 73 0.000020432 73 -100%
2018 80 0.000022781 80 -100%
2019 78 0.000022505 78 -100%
2020 91 0.000027295 91 -100%
2021 92 0.000027221 92 -100%
2022 88 0.000026176 88 -100%